The SAMoSA Survey

Between April 2018 and January 2019, the SAMoSA survey was active online to members of the public living in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). The survey was also administered in-person in public libraries and community centres across HRM from June to December 2018. The purpose of this survey was to collect anonymous responses from HRM residents about their general health and well-being and their community of residence.
The survey consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions (SF-36) asking participants about self-identified health outcomes such as their ability to carry out daily tasks, level of general bodily pain, and experience of emotional challenges. The results of the survey will assist SAMoSA researchers with comparing the general health reported between community environs to the measured level of access to some services and amenities (see Indicators page). Responses from the SAMoSA survey are currently undergoing analysis. Results will be posted below when available.
We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the SAMoSA survey. This survey has been approved by Dalhousie University Ethics Review Board.
If you have any ethical concerns about your participation in this research, you may contact Research Ethics, Dalhousie University at (902) 494-1462, or email [email protected] (and reference REB file #2017-4300).
Click Here to read a PDF copy of the SAMoSA survey.
For a better understanding of the structure and interpretation of the RAND SF-36 survey, please read this RAND SF-36 Report.