Walk and Wheel in My Neighbourhood Survey
We want to learn from you about how you travel as a pedestrian and what features are important for you to navigate the built environment safely and efficiently.
Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions before clicking on the link below
Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a list of frequently asked questions regarding the benefits, risks, right to privacy, and what else you should know about your participation in this study. If you have additional questions that are not included below, please do not hesitate to send us an email at peach@dal.ca.
What is this Survey About?
The goal of this study is to better understand how we can remove and prevent barriers to accessibility in the built environment. This survey is collecting data about what destinations you walk and wheel to, and how far you will travel as a pedestrian, from the perspectives of persons with a wide range of experiences with disability.
What kind of information am I asked to share?
The survey will ask you to complete an anonymous questionnaire about where and how far you travel as a pedestrian, as well as some basic information about yourself.
Can I withdraw from the survey?
Your participation in this research is entirely your choice. You may stop participating at any time. However, once you submit a completed survey, we will not be able to remove the information you provided because the surveys are completed anonymously, and we will not be able to identify your responses from others.
How does participating in the survey benefit me?
There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this study. By participating in this project, you will have helped to raise awareness of challenges that persons with disabilities face on a daily basis and thus increase the likelihood that these problems will be addressed in the future with your perspectives in mind.
Does my participation pose any risks?
We do not anticipate any abnormal risks associated with participation in this study. Only grouped information will be presented in reports and presentations/lectures, therefore it will not be possible to single out your responses.
Will I be able to see the results of the study once it is finished?
Yes! The results of this study will be shared publicly through the PEACH Research Unit website once our analysis is complete. We may also seek to publish a journal article or share these study findings at conference presentations. If you would like to be kept in the loop about future publications of this research, we encourage you to follow us on our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram) or to check our website regularly for updates.
What if I have more questions?
We are happy to talk with you about any questions or concerns you may have about your participation in this research study. Please feel free to contact us at peach@dal.ca.
If you have any ethical concerns about your participation in this research, you may contact Research Ethics, Dalhousie University at ethics@dal.ca and reference REB file # 2023-6589.