Privacy Information
Terms and Conditions
We kindly ask you to read and consent to the following items before contributing to the Candid Access web map. These same terms will appear when completing the photo submission process both on the Candid Access webpage and through the Survey123 app.
Please note, to protect everyone’s privacy, all submissions to Candid Access are made anonymously. For this reason, submissions made to Candid Access cannot be altered or removed by users once they are submitted. However, because Candid Access is a public platform, our researchers will use discretion to edit or remove submissions deemed inappropriate (Term 3, below).
It is the intent of Candid Access that you will take photos while completing journeys and tasks that you perform in your daily life. Therefore, we strongly emphasize that we do not want anyone to put themselves in potentially dangerous situations while taking photos or making submissions to Candid Access from a mobile device.
Please keep yourself and others safe by always staying vigilant when crossing roadways and other routes of traffic.
You are welcomed and encouraged to contact [email protected] with any questions about Candid Access or its terms and conditions that you may have.
- Your participation in this web application (i.e. uploading photos, submitting textual content) is completely voluntary and you are free to stop your participation at any time;
- You understand that administrators of this application reserve the right to modify or remove submitted photos if they display any identifying information of individuals or private property (e.g. faces of pedestrians, street addresses) in order to protect the privacy of those captured through photos;
- You understand that administrators also reserve the right to modify or remove textual content submitted through the questionnaire that uses inappropriate language or targets any individual or business by name, or that could be deemed obscene, violent, or encouraging unlawful activities;
- You agree that the photos and comments you submit can and will be stored, displayed, reproduced, or redistributed by researchers authorized through PEACH Research Unit at Dalhousie University for qualitative and quantitative analysis to appear in conference presentations, public lectures, or publications, where they will remain anonymous.
Research Ethics
CANdid Access is a crowdsourcing tool for accessibility in HRM. It is one of the activities undertaken for our Tactical Urbanism project. This research has been approved by the Research Ethics Board of Dalhousie University (REB# 2020-5405).
If you have any ethical concerns about your participation in this research, you may email us at [email protected] or contact Research Ethics, Dalhousie University at (902) 494-1462, email: [email protected].