Author: peachadmin

Discovering Peggy’s Cove

A journey of accessibility and heritage. By Yaba Osifo Peggy’s Cove is home to one of Canada’s most famous lighthouses, the Peggy’s Point Lighthouse, built in 1915 (Nova Scotia Tourism, 2024). With over 700,000 visitors annually, this iconic site holds significant importance for both Nova Scotians and visitors worldwide (Province of Nova Scotia, 2021). However, […]

Visualizing Accessibility Standards: What professionals had to say

Last spring, our team attended the national Navigation conference of the Canadian Institute of Planners. There, PEACH researchers and students talked with planners, engineers, development officers, and other built environment professionals from across Canada about their knowledge of accessibility standards and collected valuable feedback for a recently completed research project.  About the project The project, called […]

Accessible Housing in Nova Scotia

A three-part series looking at looking at accessible housing in Canada and Nova Scotia (3/3) For Nova Scotians with disabilities, gaining access to housing that is accessible and allows for an appropriate level of independence has long been met with challenges. While many Canadian provinces were in the process of deinstitutionalization (e.g., moving those with […]

Accessibility & Canada’s National Housing Strategy

A three-part series looking at accessible housing in Canada and Nova Scotia (2/3) Made official in 2017, Canada’s National Housing Strategy (NHS) is a 10-year, $72 billion dollar plan comprised of various programs and funding streams that intend to “create a new generation of housing in Canada” that is “sustainable, accessible, mixed-income, and mixed-use”. A […]

What is ‘accessible housing’ and why does Canada need more of it?

A three-part series looking at accessible housing in Canada and Nova Scotia (1/3) Today, Canadians are hard-pressed to enter a conversation about housing that doesn’t revolve around sky-rocketing home prices, the challenge of finding a reasonably-priced rental unit, or the latest homeless encampment that has materialized locally. Of course, solutions to these challenges are offered […]

Life Design Hacks from Tokyo

Many people think of Tokyo as this uber high-tech, Blade Runner-like futuristic city. But once you peel away the surface of that image, Tokyo is really just a conglomerate of living and breathing neighbourhoods occupied by everyday people, living everyday lives—all 14 million of them co-existing in a tightly packed space. Such life in Tokyo […]

Accessibility and Tokyo’s Transportation System

Japan enacted its first Barrier-Free Act in 2006, which was updated twice in recent years (2018 and 2020). All tiers of government (federal, prefectural and municipal) in Japan have been pretty serious about making trains and train stations accessible. But the efforts made in Tokyo in the last decade are beyond compare. DPI Japan, one […]

Public Washrooms in Tokyo

It has been an eye-opening experience when it comes to finding accessible public washrooms in Japan. Tokyo, in particular, has been making giant strides in making many public washrooms accessible over the past couple of decades. The Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 also boosted the accessibility of the city.  It seems that train stations, shopping […]

New Video by Accessibility Leaders in Halifax

This recent video by long-time advocate, Vicky Levack, and AMI (Accessible Media Inc.), was released on YouTube on August 26, 2022. It highlights the ongoing need for, and value of, small option housing and other meaningful accessible housing models in Nova Scotia. This is not a PEACH product. Instead, we are eager to share this […]